Kabalega Memorial Lecture Series

A platform we leverage to rally stakeholders at various levels to discuss and reflect on critical social, economic and cultural issues in society.
About Kabalega Memorial Lecture

Kabalega Memorial Lecture is an annual platform to reflect on the issues that matter to society and address them to the concerned stakeholders.

Kabalega Memorial Lecture is a platform we shall leverage annually to rally stakeholders at various levels to discuss and reflect on critical social, economic and cultural issues in society.

Among several achievements during his reign, Omukama Cwa II Kabalega of Bunyoro-Kitara is remembered for his developmental rule, breaking down social classes and introduction of meritocracy that gave everyone in society with ability, no matter the background to to make their contribution to development of society.

2023 Edition (Inaugural)

About 2023 Edition of Kabalega Memorial Lecture

Organised under the theme: The role of culture in promotion of development - the case of Africa.

Date: 18th December, 2023
Venue: Kampala Serena Hotel
Total Number of participants (Physical and Virtual): 1200
Keynote Address Speaker: Prof. PLO. Lumumba.
Review live recording of the lecture as it happened..
Gallery of the 2023 KML Edition

Some moments of the participants captured through the lecture..

People from different walks of life graced the first edition of Kabalega Memorial Lecture. Below are some of the moments our cameras captured through the lecture.

Partners and Sponsors

Below are some of the partners and sponsors we worked with for the 2023 Kabalega Memorial Lecture edition:

2024 Edition (Coming Up)

This years edition of Kabalega Memorial Lecture is scheduled for 05th of December, 2024 at Kampala Serena Hotel. 

Theme: To be updated

Register to attend next lecture.

Register today; online, or call us on: +256 (0) 200-900935.

Register to Sponsor.

Are you a business or organisation and would like to partner with us in promoting your brand while enabling us make the best of Kabalega Memorial Lecture. Reach out to us by email or call: email: kml@kabalegafoundation.org or call +256 (0) 200-900935 to find out how to be a part.

Be part of the legacy.

Join us to build a world of Omukama Cwa II Kabalega’s dreams.