Kabalega Independence Run

Run to celebrate a hero's legacy. Run to Impact Community.
About Kabalega Independence Run

Join us annually as we run to celebrate a life of service, but also towards positively impacting the community.

Kabalega Independence Run is an annual event we organise with focus on causes towards social, economic and cultural transformation of society.

Among several other achievements during his reign, Omukama Cwa II Kabalega of Bunyoro-Kitara is most notably remembered and revered for his fight for independence against colonialism. It is from this that this annual run; Kabalega Independence Run is named.

2023 Edition (Inaugural)

About 2023 Edition of Kabalega Independence Run

Organised under the theme: Run to celebrate a hero's legacy, run to educate a leader of tomorrow..

Date: 07th October, 2023
Venue: Hoima Booma Grounds
Total Number of Runners Registered: 1,800
Review Run Live Recording as it happened..

Ojective: Establishment of Kabalega Education Fund

Kabalega Education Fund is an initiative aimed at promotion of education services through provision of requisites, and supporting of bright, but under-privilaged learners to access education.

Target: 2023 Target

Proceeds from the 2023 Kabalega Independence Run were focused towards establishment of Kabalega Education Fund, and to start with, donation of Text Books to Traditional schools in Greater Bunyoro Sub-Region.

Status Update

Where we are at with the 2023 objective:

Formative structures to oversee day-to-day operation and management of Kabalega Education Fund completed. Procurement processes are underway to have over 1000 text books donated to schools starting the second half of the year 2024.

Gallery of the 2023 KIR Edition

Some moments of the participants captured through the run..

People from different walks of life graced the first edition of Kabalega Independence Run. Below are some of the special moments our cameras captured through the day.

Partners and Sponsors

Below are the awesome partners and sponsors who supported the 2023 KIR edition:

2024 Edition (Coming Up)

This years edition of Kabalega Independence Run is scheduled for 06th of October, 2024 at Hoima Booma Grounds.

Register to Run

Besides the many benefits of running, including Improved working memory and focus; Better task-management ability; Elevated mood, and overall health, by taking part in Kabalega Independence Run, you make a contribution to betterment of society. Register today; online, or call us on: +256 (0) 200-900935.

Register to Sponsor

Are you a business or organisation and would like to partner with us in promoting your brand while enabling us make the best of Kabalega Independence Run. Reach out to us by email or call: email: run@kabalegafoundation.org or call +256 (0) 200-900935 to find out how to be a part.

Target Number of Participants
October 2024

This years edition of Kabalega Independence Run is scheduled for 05th of October, 2024 at Hoima Booma Grounds. It will focus on conserving the environment. A tree planting campaign will be our focus Free seedlings and support towards establishment of woodlots will be our focus. 

Be part of the legacy.

Join us to build a world of Omukama Cwa II Kabalega’s dreams.