Call for Applications – Community Skills Development Programme – 2024/2025
Kabalega Foundation, and partners are pleased to introduce the Community Skills Development Programme. The programme is aimed at uplifting social livelihoods by imparting valuable life skills. As a community trust committed to social transformation, we are excited to offer this programme, as it aligns with our vision of empowering community members through skill development for sustainable livelihoods.
We believe that this programme will bring about positive change by addressing the problem of unemployment within our community, and we are eager to see the impact it will make.
The programme caters for various groups, including women, youth, and persons with disabilities with the goal of enhancing their livelihoods through practical and valuable skills. Upon successful completion of the training, each participant will receive a certificate of completion of training with this to aid their employability or soliciting for support for their enterprises when opportunity presents its self.
Training areas of focus:
- Welding and Metal Fabrication
- Baking and Confectionery
- Yoghurt Production
- Liquid Soap Making
- Briquette Making
- Hand Crafts Making
- Basic Computer Skills
Targeted number of trainees:
The programme aims to train a total number of 800 participants
- A Ugandan, or duly registered refugee
- Be aged between: 18 and 40 Years
- Youth, women, and persons with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.
- Each participant will contribute a nominal registration fee of UGX 30,000/= per skill. Sessions will be conducted in groups of 10 – 50 members to ensure personalized and effective learning.
- Each participant will also be required to commit a minimum of 3 – 5 full days for training availability for each skills training.
The trainings will take place in two (2) locations;
- Hoima
- Kampala
Exact venues for particular skill-sets to be communicated.
Timelines for Training;
The trainings will take place between September 2024 and September 2025. Particular dates for each skilling area to be confirmed and communicated with the registered participants.
How to Apply;
Registration to take part in the programme is open and those interested can register;
- Online at: Click here to Apply Online
- Download, fill, and email the application form. Click here to download the form
- Pick, fill, and submit a hard copy to our offices (Hoima: Ground Floor, JM8 Building, Duhaga, Hoima City. Kampala: Plot 86, Bukoto Road, Bukoto, Kampala))
Application Deadline;
The deadline for receiving applications will be Friday 20th September, 2024, 05:00 PM (EAT)
This initiative is run under Kabalega Foundation, in partnership with Billbrain Institute of Technology, Development Revolvers Ltd, Kweza Enterprises, among other partners.
For inquiries, contact us at our addresses, or any of our contacts below;
Plot 86, Bukoto Road, Bukoto, Kampala, Uganda, P.O.Box 22149, Kampala, Uganda.
Telephone: +256 (0) 200 900935.
Mobile: +256 (0) 761 785568.
Email: csdp@kabalegafoundation.org.
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